Cambridge University Ceilidh Band

Create an Account

To register, you must be on the main band email list (soc-cucb).

If you are not, please sign up here.

If you have any problems at all, please feel free to ask a friendly webmaster - James Rhodes & Paul Martin!

Fill in your details and click "Register"

First Name:
Last Name:
CRSID or full email address:
Retype Password:

Once you've signed up, we'll give you the chance to tell us a bit about you - what instruments you have, for example!


Fill in your first and last name so you can be identified on the site.
Enter your crsid (e.g. abc12) without the ''. If you do not have a CRSID, please use your full email address, the one at which you receive CUCB email
Please select a memorable password of at least 6 letters or numbers. Retype it in the second box to make sure it wasn't mistyped. For security reasons the form does not memorise your password, so please enter it as the last thing before pressing submit.