Cambridge University Ceilidh Band

Constitution of the CUCB

  1. The Name of the Society:

    The Cambridge University Ceilidh Band.

  2. The Aims of the Society:
    • To promote the playing of traditional music in Cambridge.
    • To provide live music for ceilidhs and other events in and around Cambridge.
    • To provide a focal point for musicians of all standards to play traditional music in a convivial atmosphere.
  3. Membership of the Society:

    A member of the band shall be defined as someone who regularly attends Cambridge University Ceilidh Band events, and is registered on the band's mailing list. Contested and borderline decisions on membership shall be decided by a majority committee vote. The President shall have the casting vote. The committee shall have the right to offer life membership to any person as it sees fit. It shall not refuse an application for membership on the grounds of race, sex, sexuality, religion or political views. Membership may be revoked at the discretion of the committee.

  4. Meetings of the Society:
    • The Annual General Meeting of the society will take place in the Lent Term. The time and venue will be determined and publicised by the committee at least five Full Term days in advance.
    • Ordinary meetings shall be held for the organisation of events and other matters arising from the business of the society.
  5. The Committee

    shall consist of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Officer, Social Secretary, Webmaster, Tour Organiser, and any other posts that the committee may create as stated in Section 6.

  6. Election of the Committee:
    • The committee shall be elected by majority vote of all members present at the AGM. The elections shall be conducted in the order laid down in Section 5. Candidates may be nominated in advance of the meeting in writing, to the Secretary. Such nominations must bear the name of the candidate, the office for which he is nominated, the names of the proposer and seconder and be countersigned by the candidate. This may be done by means of an email to the Secretary from each person concerned. Alternatively, a candidate may be nominated verbally at the meeting up to the beginning of the election in which he is to be a candidate. A proposer and a seconder and the candidate's consent are required.
    • Any member of the society may be nominated for any committee post, and each candidate must be nominated by two other members of the society. There may be hustings at the AGM.
    • Votes shall be counted by two persons chosen at the AGM, who are not candidates for committee posts. Only members of the Cambridge University Ceilidh Band may vote at the AGM. The President shall have the casting vote.
    • The new committee shall take over on a date specified by the retiring committee, which shall be no later than the end of the Lent Term during which they were elected. They shall be assisted by the retiring committee where necessary.
    • The committee may, at its discretion, co-opt additional committee members where it perceives the need, or to fill any vacancies that may arise. Should a post not be filled at the AGM, it will be treated as vacant.
  7. A Senior Treasurer

    shall be appointed each year to audit the Society's books.

  8. The Format of the AGM:
    • Reports from the retiring committee members, to include the presentation of audited accounts by the treasurer.
    • Election of new committee members.
    • Appointment of the Senior Treasurer for the coming year.
    • Any other business.
  9. Constitutional Amendments

    may be proposed by any five members of the society, and must be submitted to the Secretary in writing. This constitution may only be amended at an AGM, or at a meeting specially called for that purpose. No vote on a constitutional amendment shall be valid unless at least one quarter of the membership or ten people, whichever is the lesser, is present at the meeting.

  10. The Removal of Any Member of the Committee

    must be by unanimous vote by the other members of the committee.

  11. In Committee Meetings

    decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present. The President shall chair the meetings. At least three members of the committee, or the entire committee (whichever is the lesser) must be present. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

  12. Payment for Performances:

    The Committee shall keep a written policy setting out how money received from performances is to be used. This policy shall be approved by majority vote at each AGM. Changes to the policy may only be made by majority vote at an AGM, or at a meeting specially called for that purpose. No vote on a proposed change to this policy shall be valid unless at least one quarter of the membership or ten people, whichever is the lesser, is present at the meeting.

  13. Dissolution of the Society

    shall be treated as an amendment to the constitution and as such the rules in section 9 apply, with the proviso that the committee must first agree unanimously to the motion to dissolve the society. On dissolution, all assets shall be donated to a registered charity, voted for at the meeting.

Revised March 2010